Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 8

I got confused while posting multiple blogs, so this one should've gone before The Site Visit post.

When we got back from Field-based Training, there was a parade for Fiestas Patrias in Chaclacayo. All the schools have teachers and students march and some perform songs or dances. There have been fair-type vendors setting up in the park for weeks now. This was my first parade, but I hear I will see hundreds more like it during my two years here. Pruvians are really big on their "disfiles" (parades). (Sorry the pic quality is awful. By the time we had our lunch break, the streets were packed. Luckily, I am a giant down here and can see over pretty much everyone.)

Yup, it's real.

Nope, they're stuffed.

The main park in Chaclacayo

This weekend my family took me to Lima to a park with all these crazy fountains. Rebeca, Yeriln, Gianelia, and Rebeca´s mom all came. It was way more exciting than I expected it to be. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here ya go:
Gianelia, me, and Yerlin
Me and my sisters

The water goes up and down, up and down, so you have
to time your entry and exit just right

We didn't time our exit just right

Host mom, Rebeca

This fountain had images of dancers projected in the water
Super cool!

Me and Gianelia's eyeball
Host Gma, Rebeca, me, and Gianelia

The park was in the center of Lima, so it was about a two-hour combi ride on a Saturday night. I think everyone fell asleep on the ride home except Rebeca, always the protective mother-hen. I really savored the moment since this was the second to last weekend that I would have with this host family.
Most of this week in training was spent preparing for our site visits next week. Everyone is going to go to their capital cities to meet (hopefully) some work colleagues and possibly a family member and then leave to our individual sites for three days. Everyone is excited and a little nervous at the same time. We have Heard numerous different stories from Volunteers about site visit. Some had horror stories, but the majority used the word “awkward” on more than one occasion.

We did get to visit the Lima office this week. There is a conference room, lots of offices, a library, and a small lounge for Volunteer use (but not overnight). The library has quite a bit of resources for our jobs and just other cultural or entertainment reading. The office is heavily guarded 24/7, a really safe space. Best part was that we were fed Pizza Hut pizza. It's different than American Pizza Hut, but that is a different blog topic all together. Still good though!

1 comment:

  1. Those fountains look awesome! I wanna see those one day. I frickin love your captions! "We didn't time our exit well." Bahaha! I'm glad you got to enjoy the end of your time with that family. They seem really special. Miss you girl!

    ps. Why does the office have to be "heavily guarded?" Should I be concerned?
