Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Hello, hello, one and all! The purpose of this bog is simply for friends and family to keep track of my experiences while I am serving Peruvian youth and their families for the next 27 months as a Peace Corp Volunteer. (Sorry people, I still refuse to get a Facebook!) If past, present, and future PC Volunteers stumble onto this blog, I put a little information in my profile for those to get to know me better.
I intend to keep all information that I post relative to this awesome opportunity that I was privileged enough to receive. I really want lots of comments from everyone, but if you know me, you know my hesitancy about putting personal information online, so please keep it at least semi-professional, folks.
At this point, I have very little details to share about my routine, work, or training during my service, but all this will be coming shortly. Right now, I am eagerly awaiting my orientation in Washington D.C. on June 5th and my pre-service training in Chaclacayo, Peru starting June 7th and continuing until August. Below are some pics I got off the Web:

City of Chaclacayo

Although Chaclacayo is not mentioned on this map, it is immediately east of Lima, Peru's capital. This is where I will be staying during training.
Well, miss everyone already, but I am sooo ready to start this new chapter of my life! I'll post more when I know more!


  1. I think that this is a fantastic opportunity for you and I look forward to reading your blog every day even though I will miss seeing you.

  2. This will be a great way to keep in touch.

  3. Well, my dear niece, you will be on the way to Peru later today. Your Uncle Ted and I are so proud of you. We love you very much.

  4. Checking in to see if you have had time to write something on our blog. I will keep checking. Hope you are having a good time. Miss you.

  5. Hey lady! Hope everything is going well and to hear from you soon!
    April Joy Brown

  6. Hey!! We miss you and can't wait to hear from you.
    Heathermae and Cryttal

  7. Hey girl hope ur doin ok out there in Peru miss ya tons can't wait to hear from ya!!!

    Luv ya tons!!!
    Jaime and Coyt Berry
