Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Hello, hello, one and all! The purpose of this bog is simply for friends and family to keep track of my experiences while I am serving Peruvian youth and their families for the next 27 months as a Peace Corp Volunteer. (Sorry people, I still refuse to get a Facebook!) If past, present, and future PC Volunteers stumble onto this blog, I put a little information in my profile for those to get to know me better.
I intend to keep all information that I post relative to this awesome opportunity that I was privileged enough to receive. I really want lots of comments from everyone, but if you know me, you know my hesitancy about putting personal information online, so please keep it at least semi-professional, folks.
At this point, I have very little details to share about my routine, work, or training during my service, but all this will be coming shortly. Right now, I am eagerly awaiting my orientation in Washington D.C. on June 5th and my pre-service training in Chaclacayo, Peru starting June 7th and continuing until August. Below are some pics I got off the Web:

City of Chaclacayo

Although Chaclacayo is not mentioned on this map, it is immediately east of Lima, Peru's capital. This is where I will be staying during training.
Well, miss everyone already, but I am sooo ready to start this new chapter of my life! I'll post more when I know more!